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세계적인 매거진 에스콰이아(Esquire) 지에 러브 시스템즈 인스트럭터 케이준의 "비행기에서 여성을 만나는 방법"이 실렸답니다.

Cajun reveals to Esquire how to meet women on airplanes

By Adam K. Raymond, Esquire Magazine


Virgin America's latest marketing gimmick — which is working because we're writing about it — is a seat-to-seat delivery service that allows passengers to send drinks or food to other passengers in an effort to get laid (or at least a little hand-under-the-blanket action). Really, that's how they're pushing it. Sir Richard Branson's pre-flight video introducing the service ends with him saying, "Your chances of deplaning with a plus one are at least 50 percent."
Not bad odds! But they sounds way too high. The much more likely scenario is losing six bucks, creeping the woman out and buying six drinks for yourself to numb the pan of rejection. In case that's too pessimistic, we called in an expert to tell us how to best utilize seat-to-seat delivery, along with the seat back messaging system already on Virgin America flights. This is what Cajun, author of The Gentleman's Guide to Online Dating and a pick-up artist instructor with Love Systems, had to say:
  • Scope out your passengers while boarding: A lot of guys get on flights hoping a cute girl sits next to them. What I like about this is that it gives you an extra opportunity with that hot model a couple aisles ahead of you, or anyone else.

  • Start with a message: You have to think about your motive from the girl's point of view and learn what to say. If you send a drink right away she's just going to think, "Great, now I have to worry about him coming over and talking to me." You're much better off waiting to use the drink until you've had a bit of a conversation. Then it's just a message of friendliness.

  • Reference the weirdness: It's a good idea to bring attention to the strange thing that you're doing. Send a message saying, "Hey, just noticed you. Wanted to try out this new messaging service. What's your final destination?" The problem is that she's not going to know what you look like and she might think you're the 400-pound sweaty guy in 40G. That's why I would recommend going polite or funny in the beginning. Nothing too flirty.

  • Spark up a conversation: If you tell a girl, "You're really cute," 90 percent of the time she'll say "Thanks" and walk away because you're not really saying anything. Instead, write, "I think you're cute, what's your final destination? Is San Francisco home?" Just something that gives her an easy way to keep the conversation going will help you when you're wondering how to talk to girls

  • Deploy the drink: Once you're having some friendly back and forth, send her a drink. Write something like, "You're hilarious. I'm sending you a drink." If she accepts that, walk by her and say, "Hey, I'm Dave. I'm the guy who sent you the drink." If it's positive, take it from there (part of the ten secrets of a successful approach).  If she seems uncomfortable, go back to your seat and try it again with someone else.

  • Never send food: I think that option is bit contrived. Are you going to write, "You're cute. Here's a meatloaf dinner"?

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